W.I.S.E. Circles
What are W.I.S.E. Circles?
At Heart Wise Relationship Coaching we offer W.I.S.E. Circles (Windows Into Self-Exploration) so members can meet with myself as an experience facilitator on a specific theme created by myself or suggested by the members of the group. During the time spent together we will explore our inner selves, as we try to discover who we are, our purpose and who we are as people through the self-reflection window,
The W.I.S.E. Circles run for 10 weeks and there is space below for registration for you to become a part of the private group. This group will provide each other with friendship, encouragement, and compassion as well as tools and resources that are all aligned with a specific topic.
How does this work?
Participants in the group will be prepared to contribute to a discussion on a specific topic prepared by myself. Unfortunately, many of us define our selves by what others think about us so we go through our lives on autopilot never asking ourselves what the vision is we want to create for our lives. Remember self-exploration takes time and patience. You will have a valuable opportunity to take the lead on this journey as you discover through the topics presented and the valuable discussions by group participants to get to know yourself better. It is my hope that through the exercises, meditations, journal prompts, and the information provide to you that there will be less room for the negative voice in your head.
What will you gain?
Discover who you are and learn to develop a flexible mindset
Learn how to be resilient during times of transitions
Responding instead of reacting to our emotions
Understanding the stories, we tell ourselves about our emotions
Learn to develop a compassionate connection to yourself
Learn to establish healthy boundaries
Learn about t physical, emotional, and spiritual self-care
Find your passion and purpose
Discover how self-sabotage can prevent you from reaching your goals
Find your voice to express your needs
Learn how co-dependency, enmeshment, generational patterns are all obstacles in preventing authentic connections.
Many more topics around self-discovery to promote overall health and well being
How long is each session and for how many weeks?
These are 10-week 90-minute sessions and are on zoom
Can you attend only a few sessions?
It is beneficial to you to attend all the sessions in order continue the discussions so you can develop an awareness of your inner self that is waiting to be set free.
Will there be exercises to do between sessions?
Yes, but it is your decision to do them. There may be articles to read, u-tube and ted talks to watch, meditations such as mindfulness /self-compassion exercises to practice, and journal prompts.
Will there be a discount on individual coaching if you have participated in a W.I.S.E. exploration circles or are presently involved in a W.I.S.E. circle?
Yes, there will be a 10% discount on the three-session package as well as any additional three session packages.