Origin of the Heart Wise Logo
The Ananse Ntontan is a significant African symbol that represents wisdom, creativity, knowledge, and the complexities of life. The formation of the three symbols represents gears that are always changing, realigning, and shifting direction during our role as parents, caregivers, and individuals.
At different stages of our children’s development, we may unconsciously shift our gears between hovering, helicoptering, instructing, overcorrecting, and constantly correcting based on our internal fears. Perhaps we view the world as frightening, and we desperately want our children to be successful but at what cost to our relationship with them?
Our children are here to help us NOT continue to cruise along the path of unconsciousness but to ride with them and follow their lead to avoid power struggles and conflicts. Our conscious gear of parenting focuses on shifting our mental gears (mindsets) continually as we use the bumps on the road as lessons in which become opportunities to grow and our invitations to learn. Let’s embrace the present moments as a catalyst to transform how we react to our children’s needs based on our past triggers that were never healed. Our self-discoveries will allow us to gather the seeds of authenticity, acceptance, love, compassion and fearlessly focus on our present challenges as avenues for personal growth.
I added a heart in the center of each symbol to remind us that all conscious relationships are based on a deep trust and connection with the inner parts of ourselves so we can learn to live, thrive, and grow to learn to love ourselves and others.
At Heart Wise Parent Coaching it is my hope that all relationships will operate with the heart as the ringmaster, who will the guidepost for the child, parent, and coach, (the three connecting symbols on the logo) They will be invited to the heart-centered stage with the understanding that through working together they can that can change their lives dramatically.
It is the heart’s job as the ringmaster to guide each of these three entities to create a plan that is continually growing and evolving based on the unique needs of the individuals. The backstage is necessary for all the practice a parent/caregiver/individual must do such as releasing old patterns and embracing new way.