Grief Coaching
Families in Grief
Regardless of our age, we all grieve when we have important losses in our lives. Most often parents say the death of a child is the most devastating experience of their lives. Can one ever experience this type of loss and be able to find joy again?
At Heartwise we address the grief of parents when their child dies. Every member of the family, parents, siblings, grandparents, and extended family are all impacted by the loss of a child, and each will work through their grief differently. You have the choice to determine how and when you will be able to live and laugh again. The choice is yours and at Heartwise we understand the grief journey is personal and it is a process not a destination.
At Heartwise we also support children of all ages to deal in healthy ways with their emotions around the loss of a parent. We use movement as a way of helping them release the emotions that are felt within the body. Children are taught a series of movements, and meditations that they can readily use when the grief and other negative emotions are felt within their bodies.
Please know that the sun is always peeking beneath the black, stormy clouds. Eventually, you will find the light and use it as a beacon of hope that that will lessen the heavy burden of shame, guilt, sadness, anger, despair, and continuous grief. Make time to give yourself love and compassion and learn to balance being present as you open your heart to a sense of joy and aliveness.