The 4 Panes of W.I.S.E. Circles
Each pane depicts the lens through which individuals currently view their problems. Sharing multiple perspectives in our W.I.S. E. circles allow all individuals to look at a root problem from our another’s perspective and allows for validation of the complexities of other’s issues.
Conversations that share multiple perspectives provide an avenue for participants to see the whole picture, so they can widen their individual perspectives. Each pane depicts various perspectives depending on where participants are on their individual self-exploration journey. No one will be coerced to look out from a specific pane until they feel they are comfortable.
PROJECTION PANE - You presently look at the world through the lens of self-victimization and blame others for things you need to address yourself. When you look through this pane, you are avoiding dealing with your emotional clutter.
SHADOW PANE - Looking through an opaque windowpane that contains the side of your personality that you are hiding from others. This is the unconscious perspective which is what you perceive about yourself and needs to be hidden and denied.
MENTAL MYOPIC PANE - You view relationships through a lens that focuses only on negative characteristics of the person and does not view the other’s positive traits. Because you only look at another’s shortcomings, you characterize them by their flaws.
REFLECTIVE SELF PANE - Looking through this window provides an avenue of pause and clients will develop a mindset of curiosity as well as learning to bringing mindfulness and self-compassion to their lives. We hope all clients will eventually view their unique problems through this window as they work on exercises in our coaching sessions together.