Heart Wise Coaching
Vision Statement
Through self-exploration all clients will create the best version of themselves
Mission Statement
Empower all clients to build a foundation of self-love to create deep and meaningful relationships with themselves and others.
Our Values
Safe Space - We provide a supportive space for safety, connection and belonging.
Creativity - We encourage you to express a variety of emotions and feelings and channel them in creative ways.
Self-Love - We will help you feel empowered to be vulnerable, set healthy boundaries, and accept who you are, flaws and all.
Compassion - We assist you in developing a practice of mindfulness, understanding of common humanity and an acceptance of suffering with openness and love.
Partnership - We see our clients as partners, and we provide empowerment, validation, and acceptance of each client’s story.
Humor - There are many known health benefits for our clients to rethink humor as a restorative process which leads us to new insights.
Inclusion - We acknowledge, honor, and welcome the differences in all our clients, and no-one is excluded from our space based on their race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, or disability.
Honesty - At Heart Wise we provide a safe and sacred space in which unconditional empathy, as well as hope, respect, and trust are commitments we strongly encourage our clients to seek in themselves and in their relationships.